Know What’s In Your Skincare? You Should.
You’re probably pretty good about thinking about what you put in your body (kale or cupcakes...?) But what about the things you put on your body? Here are 5 key reasons it’s important to care about the ingredients you use in your beauty products.
Reason #1: Because your skin is your largest organ. Make it a priority.
Heart, liver, stomach, lungs…when you hear the word “organ,” your mind probably goes towards what’s on the inside. But what’s on the outside matters, too. Your skin is your largest organ, and many studies suggest your skin absorbs up to 70% of what you put on it. If you have a choice, why wouldn’t you choose healthier ingredients?
Reason #2: Because you may think beauty is heavily regulated. Think again.
We all assume that if you can buy a beauty product in the US, then it must be safe. But you know what they say about assuming…
Cosmetic Regulation in the U.S. is actually quite weak, which leaves the opportunity for brands to use potentially harmful ingredients that have not been fully tested for safety. In the US there are only 11 ingredients banned or restricted from cosmetics, while in Europe there are over 1,500. Let that sink in for a moment.
Here at Biossance, we are setting the bar higher. Cosmetic industry regulation is outdated, so it’s up to brands like us to keep standards high. This is truly changing the industry for the better, making products with healthier ingredients, and driving innovation for more sustainable and safe ingredients. This is why we’ve banned over 2,000 potentially harmful ingredients from our products. Because you deserve better.
Reason #3: Because toxic beauty ingredients can lead to inflammation. Not pretty.
Inflammation is a new epidemic, especially among teenagers and young adults. Inflammation in the body promotes inflamed skin, acne, aging and disease. Not pretty.
Surprisingly, many toxic ingredients found in beauty products can actually promote inflammation and acne. Many toxic ingredients disrupt your hormone regulation, and can cause flare ups on your face. Just like what you eat and put into your body, what you put on it matters. The health of your internal microbiome shows up on your skin. If you are prone to breakouts, redness and sensitivity, you should be extra cautious of what ingredients go in and on your body. Toxic ingredients could very well be partly to blame for your skin issues.
Reason #4: Because every little ingredient adds up—big time.
Toxic ingredients don’t always cause an immediate effect, but can build up on the skin over time. A little bit of a toxin in your shampoo, then moisturizer, then body wash adds up! Some ingredients are used at very low levels and therefore are not considered harmful in one product. But the fact that many of these types of ingredients are in MANY types of products is often overlooked. Women use on average 11 beauty products per day and men around 5. If you’re using dirty ingredients, this can add up quickly.
Reason #5: Because Mother Earth matters. Let’s treat her kindly.
Many ingredients are harmful for not only you, but also for the environment. This is a topic that is sadly not getting addressed as widely as it should be in the beauty industry. We can choose not to use ingredients that harm ocean life, pollute (hello microbeads!) or that are unsustainably grown or harvested. There are effective alternatives to many ingredients, and the more consumers (i.e you) pressure companies for better answers, the more companies will drive innovation to change the industry for the better.
Key Takeaway
You are what you put in – and on – your body, so it’s important to make better choices when it comes to your beauty routine. But how? Download our Clean Beauty Cheat Sheet for a go-to shopping guide, and stay tuned for our upcoming blog post series about clean beauty.